1,346 readings
Natually born gifted psychic My psychic ability comes through my mother. I have worked professionally for thirty years.
About my services
A soulmate psychic reading provides guidance, insight and information to help people achieve the soulmate relationship they desire.
A soulmate psychic reading will allow you to see dynamics of their soulmate relationship in a different way, and from a fresh perspective. A soulmate psychic reading offers the tools, as well as detailed, specific knowledge to encourage the development of positive changes in your soulmate relationship.
A soulmate psychic reading will help you nurture, and validate, your own intuition so you can follow your own inner guidance to better your relationship. During a soulmate psychic reading with our soulmate psychics you will begin to create positive changes in your relationship.
About me
Natually born gifted psychic My psychic ability comes through my mother.
I have worked professionally for thirty years. The psychic voice has been with me since birth. Training myself to use and share that ever-present voice has been a lifelong journey. I learned Reiki as an adult using the Dr. Mikao Usui method. Reiki awakened an ancient pathway to healing. That pathway was a kind of relief. We all have gifts. I discovered through Reiki my gift was to heal. It taught me to see not only what was wrong, but to recognize the source of pain and to sort through pathways of conflicting emotions.
I know what has happened and what brings relief. I travel from cause, to effect, to resolution. The pathway back is open and my future sight is clear. This life grows from the past. By knowing the past, we can choose a better future.
Some people need a quick bit of advice requiring a simply answer. All you need to do is ask. Others need careful guidance on a complicated journey. I do that very well. My goal is to help. I give what is needed.
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